.. index:: expanding .. _expanding/0: .. rst-class:: right **protocol** ``expanding`` ============= Term and goal expansion protocol. | **Availability:** | ``built_in`` | **Author:** Paulo Moura | **Version:** 1:1:0 | **Date:** 2016-07-12 | **Compilation flags:** | ``static, built_in`` | **Dependencies:** | (none) | **Remarks:** | (none) | **Inherited public predicates:** | (none) .. contents:: :local: :backlinks: top Public predicates ----------------- .. index:: goal_expansion/2 .. _expanding/0::goal_expansion/2: ``goal_expansion/2`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Defines a goal expansion. Called recursively until a fixed point is reached on goals found while compiling a source file (except for goals wrapped using the ``{}/1`` compiler bypass control construct). | **Compilation flags:** | ``static`` | **Template:** | ``goal_expansion(Goal,ExpandedGoal)`` | **Mode and number of proofs:** | ``goal_expansion(+callable,-callable)`` - ``zero_or_one`` ------------ .. index:: term_expansion/2 .. _expanding/0::term_expansion/2: ``term_expansion/2`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Defines a term expansion. Called until it succeeds on all terms read while compiling a source file (except for terms skipped by using the conditional compilation directives or wrapped using the ``{}/1`` compiler bypass control construct). | **Compilation flags:** | ``static`` | **Template:** | ``term_expansion(Term,ExpandedTerms)`` | **Mode and number of proofs:** | ``term_expansion(+term,-term)`` - ``zero_or_one`` | ``term_expansion(+term,-list(term))`` - ``zero_or_one`` ------------ Protected predicates -------------------- (none) Private predicates ------------------ (none) Operators --------- (none)