built-in predicate
threaded_notify([Term| Terms])
Sends Term
as a notification to any thread suspended waiting for it
in order to proceed. The call must be made within the same object
(this) containing the calls to the
threaded_wait/1 predicate waiting for the
notification. The argument may also be a list of notifications,
[Term| Terms]
. In this case, all notifications in the list will be
sent to any threads suspended waiting for them in order to proceed.
This predicate requires a backend Prolog compiler providing
compatible multi-threading primitives. The value of the read-only
threads flag is set to supported
when that
is the case.
Modes and number of proofs
threaded_notify(@term) - one
threaded_notify(@list(term)) - one
% send a "data_available" notification:
..., threaded_notify(data_available), ...
See also